New Client First Month Implementation
for Local SEO Services
Free Webinar - Wednesday, Apr 1st, Time: 2pm Eastern

You have your first local business client…now what? The Internet Marketing arena for local business is massive and there are literally hundreds of areas you could spend time on to drive traffic and improve conversion.

During this education packed webinar, LMS Faculty member Scott Gallagher will walk you through the key steps to take in the first month implementation of a new client account.

  • Create the one-year plan to set expectations with the client.
  • Discover the quarterly detailed action plan of services to be performed.
  • Learn how to implement On-The-Page factors, website tracking, email autoresponders and creating the proper framework for content creation and distribution.

This is the most current breaking news available today in local marketing brought to you by Local Marketing Source!

Sign up in the box now to reserve you spot, space on the webinar is limited.