Working A Target Market to Maximize Agency Profit
Free Webinar - Wednesday, July 22nd, Time: 2pm Eastern
Have you wondered how to position yourself as a marketing consultant?
How about moving from a self employed consultant to a REAL Business?
There are several different approaches that yield results, but none that provides growth as fast as focusing on a target audience for your services.
During this exclusive webinar local marketing expert Scott Gallagher will will demonstrate how to target a specific market to position you as the marketing authority and dominate the space.
- Learn how to raises your visibility so prospects start asking you about your services.
- Discover how focusing on a type of business rather than geographical area gives your marketing focus that will improve conversion.
- Start maximizing your efficiency as each new client builds your credibility and presence in the market.
- You’ll walk out with a step-by-step checklist on YOUR marketing assets, the tools we use AND your monthly tasks.
Special Note: This webinar will be streamed live using only solar power and satellite Internet. Scott will be presenting from his family’s private beach (no electricity or cell phone coverage) in Canada demonstrating one of the great benefits of business ownership…travel!
This is the most current breaking news available today in local marketing brought to you by Local Marketing Source!
Sign up in the box now to reserve you spot, space on the webinar is limited.